To start progress towards my goals I did what any modern day internet savvy person would do - I created two new boards on my pinterest! I made an organization and decoration board and will pin all the great ideas I am seeing there so 2 weeks (or days) from now I won't forget what I read.
One of the best ideas I have seen is to use binder clips to help keep cords from falling behind the desk. |
Other than making pinterest boards, I do have a plan to implement my goals. I made a excel spreadsheet and listed each room in our house in one column. I then made columns for things to buy, organization, things to make, decoration ideas and other.
To start I will clean the house, and go through each room putting things where they belong, getting rid of stuff we no longer need and taking notes for my list. The list will consist of what I need to better organize each room (boxes, hangers, etc), what I want to make for each room (pillows, towels, etc), what I want to eventually buy for each room (extra sheet of sheets, storage ottoman) and decoration ideas for each room like more picture frames or restain a table.
I hope the list will give me a way to start making over my house and also a place where I can cross off things after I complete them. I always like crossing things off a list, the satisfaction of it keeps me motivated to complete things.